About Baristo
The Full Story
The Baristo Neighborhood is located between MidTown to the north and Warm Sands to the south. Baristo Road from which the Neighborhood is named, is an East/West bound road located directly in the center of the neighborhood. The boundaries of the Baristo Neighborhood are from Ramon Road on the south, Tahquitz Canyon Way on the north, Sunrise Way on the east and Palm Canyon Drive on the west. Although Wikipedia and Google will tell you Baristo is "A specifically male barista", the Baristo name much like many other street names in Palm Springs actually was from the successful blend of business-savvy Elders of the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians and movie star entrepreneurs, who together made the city what it is today. Baristo Road – Is named for Baristo Sol Santiago (1884-1942), who actively participated in Tribal government and favored traditional communal Tribal lands. Read the full Article here
The neighborhood is located within District 3 of the 5 districts that make up Palm Springs. Current Palm Springs Mayor Ron deHarte is also district 3 City Council Member. Per the 2021 redistricting data analysis, although the smallest land area, district 3 was the most populated district in the City of Palm Springs with a population of 9,419. The Baristo neighborhood unlike many other neighborhoods does not have individual Mid-Century architectural homes but instead is made up of 21 residential communities. With a central location to downtown Palm Springs, this neighborhood hosts a number of businesses, restaurants, a movie theater, churches and even the Baristo Park, located at Calle El Segundo, is a 2 acre park with Picnic tables, basketball court, tootler play structures, grills, and drinking fountains. At the edge of Downtown Palm Springs and within the Baristo neighborhood is the Arenas District, a thriving LGBTQ+ business district. Arenas Road has everything from shopping to dining and everything in between. It's bustling year round with multiple events and celebration including the annual Halloween and Pride celebrations.
The neighborhood has a long history within the city of Palm Springs and the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indian Reservation as it is part of Section 14. In July 2014 the City developed a Specific plan for Section 14 which is still in development today. Per the latest Housing Element the Baristo Neighborhood boasts the most open spaces owned by tribal members that can some day be used for future growth of residential and business opportunities for the city and specifically the Downtown area.